SoFloNOMA Academic Scholarship


While the population of America comprises of 42.2% non-white*, out of the over 116,000 registered architects, only 29% represent racially diverse backgrounds. And with enrollment of approximately 30% from underrepresented racial or ethnic groups, Architecture schools across the nation still have a long way to having enrollment match that of the increasing diversity of the United States.

Of the many barriers to the architecture profession that minorities face, the high cost of an architecture education is one impediment in the path of any aspiring architect. As a response to this, SoFlo NOMA is committing to providing scholarships strategically focused on education, with the purposeful aim of providing opportunities to facilitate an increase in the number of minority graduates; with the potential of becoming licensed professionals, a forward step in closing the racial disparity gap within the profession.

This financial support is for students in accredited architectural degree programs in the tri-county area to assist in offsetting the high cost of tuition, books, and materials.

Up to 5 scholarships valued at up to $500 each will be awarded for the 2023-2024 Fall semester. The number and value of awards may vary year-to-year based on applications and available funds.


The South Florida NOMA Scholarship is open to all registered NOMAS members at NAAB schools in the tri-county area: University of Miami, Florida International University and Florida Atlantic University Schools of Architecture who meet the following criteria:

·      NOMAS registered member

·      US citizen

·      Active enrollment in one of the NAAB schools: UM, FIU, FAU

·      Maintain a minimum of 12 credits per semester


·      Open: September 12 th, 2023

·      Deadline: November 30 th, 2023, by 11:59 pm EST

·      Recipient Notification: December 5 th, 2023

·      Official Announcement: SoFloNOMA End of Year Event in December (date TBD); complimentary ticket to the event will be provided.

·      SoFloNOMA website and social media accounts


Applicant must submit the following as one complete file in PDF format:

·      File name: LastName.FirstName.SoFloNOMAScholarship.pdf

·      Completed Scholarship Application

·      Headshot

·      Proof of Active enrollment in a local architecture degree program at the college level (letter of acceptance, unofficial copy of transcript)

·      Proof of current NOMAS registration

·      College portfolio, 5 pages maximum

·      Resume

·      One Letter of Recommendation from a teacher/professor, or someone in the architecture profession specific for this scholarship

·      Letter of Interest

What does the scholarship committee need to know about you? Include your unique and notable qualities, examples of your demonstrated leadership ability and involvement with NOMAS and or other community programs, and a brief statement of how you plan to spend the scholarship funds - books, supplies, software, tuition, etc. (500 word maximum)

Please email all applications to with the Subject Line ‘SoFlo NOMA Scholarship’.

Scholarships are awarded based on recommendations of the selection committee, as appointed by the SoFLo NOMA board.

Congratulations on the recipients of the inaugural 2022 SoFloNOMA ARE Scholarship. This Scholarship is specifically targeted to assist in the licensure process by offsetting the costs of the ARE. Four scholarships valued at $550 each were awarded in 2022. The number and value of awards may vary year-to-year based on applications and available funds.

Chelsea Cameron, Florida International University

Andrea Lira, University of Miami

Jerrica Arias, Florida Atlantic University

Miller Ngo, Florida Atlantic University